Healthy Food, Fast.
Hassle-Free Local Pet Food Delivery
The Rusty Spur is proud to offer next-day delivery across in Vernon, Coldstream, and Armstrong for pet food products and we offer shipping Canada wide! And, with its own delivery driver and van - we don't outsource.
Want us to deliver to your area but don't see it listed? With new delivery routes added each month, don't hesitate to contact us at
Pet Subscriptions for Bigger Savings
Purrfect for busy pet owners, our recurring orders available for our top cat and dog food products is available as a monthly subscription! No more forgetting to pick up your pet's food, let Pawority manage your delivery each month. Visit our sister site at
Convenience isn't the only benefit of subscribing, by purchasing your pet food on a recurring order, you can access even more rewards points and additional savings!
Why Trust the Rusty Spur? Here's what Motivates Us.
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Your Local Pet Store, Online & in Person
1863 Shuswap Avenue
Lumby, BC V0E 2G0
610 Cliff Avenue
Enderby, BC V0E 1V4
Open Hours:
Monday - Saturday, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
excluding public holidays